Weekly Updates ✍️
▶️ New Bounties are now LIVE! Help improve the Chainwhiz platform by contributing and earn MATIC tokens. Start Now! 😍
▶️ Introducing Bounty Seasons. Using the power of seasons, you can easily discover bounties from your favorite projects and start contributing👇

Introducing Bounty Seasons 😍
Using the power of seasons, you can easily contribute to your favorite open source projects in a streamlined way. 😎
No more hunting for bounties. Jump into an ongoing season for the project and find all the active bounties listed. 😱
▶️ Devprotocol Bounties are now open for Voting! Help them discover the best solutions by voting on the submitted solutions to the bounties and earn crypto in return! Start Voting 🤛
▶️ 50 MATIC tokens will officially be shared between three developers who submitted solutions to the bounties! Well Deserved. 👏 👏
▶️ Psst! We are working on some exciting updates for bounty posting. Stay Tuned! 😉
▶️ Anytime is Memetime, they say👇
Read the full Memes Thread Here!